Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Bush/Obama, Two Sides of the same Coin
I was just standing here painting when these revolutionary thoughts came directly from the Almighty, through me to you. You know the kind I mean.
Here is two fellows of the same sort in some ways and in others, not so much.
Two men, wild eyed with rapturous comments, by Presidents from two sides of Hell, who supposedly apposed each other’s philosophies, ideals, views of life, and vigorously so, until elected. Then the one we thought was the worst liar, who was not a very bright guy, but turned out to be the one who was the least of the two liars. You see he thought he was right. However, the second one, the first of his race as president, never thought he was right, he merely wanted you to think that he thought he was right.
The first of the One, was aboard a ship dressed in full fighter pilot gear, in a plane landed by his co-pilot, onto the deck of a ship, and excitedly, joyfully exclaimed, "Mission Accomplished!" and was wrong/incorrect, but didn't know it.
The Other, Obama, he said the equivalent of Mission Accomplished, with the lie that combat for us was over, while 50,000 remain, killing and being killed. What he said was a lie, while Bush's mission in and of itself was a lie. Two men lying both of which gall the minds and hearts of those of spirit, truth, honor, justice and which possess an actual functioning conscience and soul.
Well, according to the God I know very well, the one which allows some to read His mind every so often to make incredibly and documented predictions. He, is not happy with either one of these fellows.
You do not need me to tell you that we are angry as is the Creator, at this turn of events, and as you may well recall, my support of Obama was unenthusiastic. Turns out I was right, he is a guy on the make, a guy whose main interest in life is celebrity, and living the rest of it as The First Black President, instead of living it as the second FDR. We may have to look well beyond my lifetime for a reincarnate FDR. However, in the meantime, humankind is on a collision course with annihilation.
After many warnings against the desecration, destruction, polluting, poisoning of Wild Life, water, air and living humans, nothing considerable has been accomplished because of the heathens who live only for the moment. The greed/avarice is insurmountable. Scientists are saying all wildlife will be gone within 50 years, all safe drinking water not long after and human’s may well be extinct in 100 - 125 years.
There is no New World to which people can escape as they did about 400 years ago when they first came over here, when their environment was bristling with hostility and repression. Here and now, there is no refuge from toxins and no one person can make things well again. The present Military, Medical, Industrial Complex is not about to cease their greed because they do not care what happens after they are gone. To them their own lifetime in the flesh is the very end. They are too greedy and selfish to care beyond that point.
Fortunately, some of us who are close enough to the Source to be certain of reincarnation know that life is not a one-time experience.
Defeated people of certain philosophies or theologies have often been persecuted, even killed by greater powers, as was Jesus. He, and later some of his followers, were persecuted by the Herodian political powers and Herodian Chief Priests. The King was in Jerusalem fearful of John the Baptizer’s proclamations, and some who thought that Rome might also find in Jesus a threat of some sort. However, in God there appears to be a lavish Irony and a Karma laden sort of justice which is inconceivable to those who allow themselves to have their souls, if they indeed have souls, to be transcended by materialism, blinding them to less physically sensual truths.
Rome back then was the heartland of Empire, which authored, wars, torture, wrecking, burning and other violence and yet ironically Rome became the Heartland of Christianity and the defeated Jesus and one billion Catholics and millions of other Christians arose from the ashes and wreckage, in a form of triumph over the injustice shown him and them. My ancestors in Rome were nothing more than pirates, but who instead of attacking ships at seas attacked nations, draining them of their wealth.
History replays it self, especially when Karma and irony have been a concerned part of the scenario. Some evil people and some good people live long lives; some evil people and some good people live very short lives. In either case, that variation in life spans does not display justice or a level playing field for the individual. So, if believers accept that there is injustice in God’s plan, how can they still believe He is a Good God? Well there is no injustice if there is reincarnation, because over the eons lifetimes of existence for each soul make right what seems unjust.
Keep in mind that it took YHVH between 4500 to 7500 years (plus some several million years of evolution) to change His tone from the harshness of the Torah, to the Liberality of Jesus’ philosophy. Therefore, how can anyone expect a common human to get things figured out in a few decades? Reincarnation appears to be the only way humans would have a fair chance at immortality. Jesus mentioned to his disciples that, "This generation shall not pass away, before I return..." Well, either he was wrong or the term "generation" was mistranslated or misinterpreted. I believe that to Jesus, "generation" meant the life cycle that incorporates the many phases of reincarnation of a soul.
Keep in mind that it took God those 4500 to 7500 years to move from Old Testament harshness, to the Progressiveness, the kindness, of Jesus'. If it took God that long to comprehend humankind's needs, and how to deal with them, is it in any way logical that a mere human can figure it all out in one lifetime, especially considering that some people die very young and others live much longer? Without reincarnation, life is unjust and evil that runs rampant is rewarded.
If there is not reincarnation, then religion is a fraud, a creation of sadistic, sleazy people to defraud the rest. A True Creator, would neither be that rude, violent or psychotic. For the injustices we all face, either there is Reincarnation, or religion is an unjust, abusive, fantasy of sadomasochistic, horror. If that were true, the gentle, loving people, a small percentage of the population at any one time period, are the real gods, and the rest are the demons. If there is no God, why place any value in morality? Because conscience is the evidence of something other than brute force being the way of all life. If we have a conscience, therefore there is a soul and if there is a soul, there is a Creator. Matter does not come from nothingness. Nothing comes from nothingness.
Here is the anomaly created by scientists, lacking logic.
*1)-The first law of Physics is Matter can neither be created or destroyed, which E=MC2 seems to prove. I agree.
*2)-Before the Big Bang, not even space existed.
3)-We are then told, then, that dust, gases, and debris converged into an Entity, a point, which density was unimaginable, and all crushed and inverted/imploded/exploded/expanded, whatever into what became the universe. However, except for one thing. If indeed, and I accept this, numbers, #1 & #2 above are true, then number 3 cannot be.
If before the Big Bang, there was Nothing not even space, then from whence came the dust, gases, and debris which converged into an Entity, a point, which density was unimaginable, from where did it all come?
We know that #1 & #2 prohibit any such thing:
dust, gases, and debris which converged into an Entity, a point, from existing. Either the model is wrong, which is doubtful, or the start point is, which I and others increasingly think is the case.
It does not matter whose theory is correct, Nothing Comes From Nothing, and something’s, come from something’s.
If you put two rocks in your basement for a jillion years, they will not change except to gather dust, because we now have matter and dust comes with it. We now have life and no life comes from no life. That is simple science, simple Anthropological, Evolutionary, Physics. Wrong scenario look for another likely way.
I became a believer because of my study of anthropology, not in spite of it. Einstein and Gödel, I believe thoroughly agreed. At least the last time we saw Einstein alive he agreed.
Ehyeh asher ehyeh (Translated as, "I AM THAT I AM" in the KJV)
The logic displayed above is the strongest evidence of reincarnation of which I am aware. Reincarnation, if one is a believer makes sense. It anticipates the liberty for correction, wherein the tortured in another lifetime switch places and are free to make a decision to either continue the tyranny of abuse and become the torturers over the very souls who tortured them, or stop and convert one’s view of life. It is immediately that they learn, or fall prey to the same evil, as those hated ones who once tortured them.
Karma makes sense to a logical mind. Knowing that makes killing one’s enemies only a temporary solution. Though often people are left with little choice unless they like Jesus see the future clearly with a faith, which transcends singular existences, they then see the truth, which few have seen. Kill them and they return to plague another generation with worse weapons and in greater numbers. Destroy, with injustice, those who seem bent on peace and they seem to return and repay the complement. Karma and reincarnate evil and goodness, play out a cosmic war on the Kill-Zone that becomes a Purgatorial and Hellish battleground over the eons, right before a majority of unseeing eyes, unhearing ears, and a minority of those who set straight their own paths. Those who ignored/rejected grace have chances to correct their oversights.
America fought and thought it had destroyed Fascism and Nazism in WW II and now it is home-growing fascists and Nazi’s. The military once barred Nazi’s from service, but under the Bush administration, members of the military became replete with soldiers admitting to and wearing the symbols of Skinhead Nazi’s in tattoos and medallion’s. The American Military Medical Industrial Complex is monumentally selfish and greedy, and beyond, and from the products they sell and actively promote, are, as well, sadistic and brutal, thus becoming the worst fascists in history.
The American Military Medical Industrial Complex is monumentally selfish and greedy, and beyond, and from the products they sell and actively promote, are, as well, sadistic and brutal, thus becoming the worst fascists in our history. Our great history, would reject, the fascism of the Military Medical Industrial, Corporate Complex, as well it should. In the face of it, the Founding Fathers are rapidly spinning in their graves. Save America by fighting the growing disease of Imperialistic fascism from rising again, from its place into the Hell which Hitler dragged it!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Geezers May Be Dodging Swine Flu Bullet
It’s really hard to find any advantages to being a codger or codgerette except for the freedom to say anything you want and pretty much get away with it. Everything else is a pain…literally.
One exception might be a built-in immunity to the swine flu.
According to the Los Angeles Daily News: Los Angeles County has seen at least 57 people die from H1N1 virus this year, according to county public health director Dr. Jonathan E. Fielding. Outbreaks of the swine flu have been reported in 34 schools and one nursing home throughout the county as of the week ending on Oct. 10, Fielding said.”
The article continued: It's quite severe for this time of year," Fielding said. "I think what distinguishes this (flu season) ... is that there is a small group that is getting severely infected, including some young and healthy children, pregnant women and young adults.
The breakthrough news is that the H1N1 virus has SIMILAR MARKERS to flu viruses that have been around for years, therefore seniors may have dodged the bullet on this flu by building up immunity to the current virus.
"So the older you are, the more likely you are to have been exposed to the similar marker and that builds some resistance and immunity to H1N1," said Jim Lott, executive vice president of the Hospital Association of Southern California.
Yeah! for having been around longer than a mutated virus.
So, what about all those other viruses and bacteria that have been around longer than any of us and will survive long past our own extinction?
Like small pox, for example. Not one of us escaped the torment and discomfort of a small pox vaccination, although having been vaccinated at age six-months we have no memory of it except in our subconscious, but our mothers who cared for us sure remember.
Maybe we, too, have a memory of it that’s deeply imbedded in our psyches; a memory of being rudely and roughly having our asses, upper arm or thigh stabbed numerous times with a live virus, and VOILA! almost immediately got incredibly sick with a pseudo case of the pox which lasted for days.
My kids did and I haven’t forgotten.
I’m also sure I have the memory chip implanted somewhere in my engrams of my own small pox vaccination, which is why I’m totally suspicious of getting flu shots after combining that long buried memory with the memory of getting a flu shot as an older teen and immediately coming down with a lousy case of the flu.
That was the first and last flu shot for me.
Then there’s the explosion of autistic kids, when prior to being massively over-dosed on mercury-laden multi-doses of vaccinations, making perfectly healthy, normal kids incredibly sick for the rest of their lives and giving their parents a rash of child-rearing problems that neither had to suffer through.
And yes, I’m aware of all the contraindication studies done by arse-covering big pharma, but none of their studies are to be believed unless you are of the coincidence persuasion.
But I digress. Back to the pox.
The small pox virus has been around for eons and we were all given a dose of it allowing us to build up a ton of antibodies; therefore, there’s no need to ever get a booster vaccination.
Although they say small pox has been eradicated in the United States and other Western countries, it hasn’t.
Just because we were vaccinated doesn’t mean the virus gave up, said “oh there’s no one left to attack“, that it committed viral suicide.
It probably didn’t go dormant either. It’s still floating around; we’re still breathing it in, but over time we’ve built up a super immunity to it making further vaccination unnecessary.
There! As a one who is on the geserhood waiting list, that’s what I think and I’m not afraid to say it.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Let's See If BPAs Really Make Girls More Aggressive
Not to be too cynical, but do we really want to drink or eat from plastic containers that contain BPAs?
Whether they be rumor or factual, for years there have been claims that BPAs (bisphenyl A) are leached out from plastics and are of special concern to mothers who are bottle feeding their babies.
Of course, the plastic bottle and container industry is going to say “pish-tosh” to the entire matter. What the hell do they care; they just want to sell merchandise in the cheapest, most convenient containers they can.
The consumer, too, wants the most convenient containers. If they didn't, billions of water bottles wouldn't be sold worldwide each year. One would also think that they'd want safe water bottles. Maybe they don't really care, or perhaps they aren't aware of the possible dangers from BPAs, or convenience outweighs safety.
I should state now that I don't know, and while I'm suspicious of the plastic bottles I do buy them because it's so convenient to throw a capped water bottle in my purse or keep one on my desk where there's less danger of it falling over and ruining my computer keyboard. In my defense -- if you can call it that, most of the water I drink comes from the tap, and that, too, has it's "yuk" factor.
On the flip side are the skeptics such as myself, who don’t believe anything manufacturers say about their products where health or product safety is concerned; that goes for the FDA, too. Both have been caught too many times in bald-faced lies.
That brings me to the latest study published by McClatchy Newspaper Group stating that BPAs are making little girls more aggressive. Maybe yes; maybe no. The final results aren’t in yet.
The nipples on the bottles and pacifiers are never mentioned, but I have to wonder about them, too. They’re made from plastic and make the most immediate and continual contact with babies’ mouths, and whatever is sucked off of them has a direct route into the tots’ bloodstreams.
I’m not sayin’ there’s a danger there’; I’m just sayin’.
Perhaps a far-out experiment is in order.
Let’s take a bunch of those supposed felonious suspects -- the BPAs -- and feed them to Venus flytraps, insectivorous plants that voraciously gobble up their prey when they come too close.
Being named “Venus”, they must all be females, so let’s give the young plants an ample dose of BPAs and see if they become even more aggressive in their insect eating by reaching out and attacking anything that comes flying or crawling near them.
Since plants mature far fast than humans, Venus seems like a likely subject for such an experiment, and maybe we can find out quickly just how harmful BPAs really are.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
We now have more troops and Mercenaries than Bush did overseas. We still have the Patriot Act and the Military Commission's Act of 2006, both of which gutted our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We have not gone after the War Criminals; Obama refuses to make certain Executive orders that would undo much of the evil. Nancy Pelosi continues to be a loser; does anyone truly believe that the voters of San Francisco's District 8 are not perpetually stoned?
Pensions are still being slaughtered and where are the laws to make them inviolate?
Why has not this Admin set-up a health care plan that is insurance company free as a fund similar to Medicare or Social Security, paid for by taxing outsourcing Publicly traded corporations?
Why does not Obama followed FDR's approach and recover 80% of the profits of War Contractors? Why has he not capped Oil per barrel prices at, say $20.00 as did Carter (He capped it at $8-$10 per barrel) and tax the oil companies with a $1.3 trillion WINDFALL PROFITS tax for what they stole from us these last eight years?
Why has he said nothing about the increase in gas prices from $1.44 in November/December of 2008 to over $3.03 cents recently and still at twice what the price was in 2008 then?
Why has he not capped Executive Compensation packages at $2.5 million or 25 times’ average employee Com Packages? Anything more by my calculations is stealing from investors. Why do we not have the same Health care plan as our senators have?
Illinois has borrowed against my pension fund to the tune of $39 billion dollars and wants to turn it over to the legislators and judges to carve up further. My wife is paying $850 a month for health care. I can assure you of this, neither my friends, colleagues, associates nor I, will vote for Mr. Obama again. I will vote for Dennis J. Kucinich, or if he does not run for president, then we shall vote for Pawlenty if he runs, or for an independent. This congress is no better than that of the Bushites.
The more I see of this president, the more it confirms my concerns during the campaign; he is in this for the celebrity and the dynastic wealth that celebrity holds in store for him. He has done a thing not even Bush did, he has betrayed his supporters.
Those who think there has been anything other than a minor change since the end of the Bush Administration must be smoking some Gosh awful weed.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Inaugural celebrations from Washington, DC to St. Paul, MN

President Obama gets out of limo - screenshot
Originally uploaded by Kathlyn Stone
As President Obama stepped out of his limo to walk for part of his symbolic approach to the White House via Pennsylvania Avenue on Jan. 20, hundreds of elementary school students at St. Paul's Expo for Excellence Magnet Elementary were concluding their own inaugural march along Randolph Street and Snelling Avenue.
View slideshow of some happy children and adults celebrating the day.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Come One, Come All. Get Your New People Parts
For more than forty years physicians have been replacing worn out knee and hip joints.
Internal organs are replaced even though they are riddled with rejection problems.
External flaws, the ravages of aging and excess fat have people lining up at the body sculptors’ workshops.
According to CNN
Scientists have perfected bionic knuckles made of space age materials that prevent rejection by the body to give new life to old hands that are ravaged by arthritis.
All this body part replacement needs some reconsideration.
I rather like to compare our bodies to automobiles.
Put a new engine in an old car and it puts stress on the older un-replaced parts and they conk out.
Give a person a new efficient pump and it will put stress on weak old kidneys that can’t keep up.
Therefore, once our bones have finished growing and we’re fully matured adults (yeah, like that ever happens to our brains, anyway).
Brain transplants, anyone? But then you wouldn’t be you; you’d be him or her.
We should have all our body parts replaced at the same time before they all conk out like old auto parts.
Why put up with the crummy ones nature doled out to us?