Thursday, January 1, 2009

OMG, How Could I Live Without My MTV?

by Sandy Sand

OMG, How Could I Live Without My MTV?

Very well, thank you very much even if Time Warner and Viacom reached a temporary agreement.

Viacom and Time Warner reached a temporary settlement that will keep Dora Exploring, Sponge Bob doing whatever he does, Jon Steward and Steven Colbert punching the pols.

Most of the 17 channels Viacom was threatening to pull from Time Warner Cable I never heard of, and like MTV, would be clicked right past even if I did know of them.

In what sounds more like an attempt at extortion by Viacom in these tougher that tough economic times, Viacom used the threat of pulling the channels if Time Warner didn’t come up with and additional four percent for each channel they subscribe to.

Time Warner estimated the cost to them would be an additional $39 million a year.

Home entertainment is the cheapest thing we have to temporarily escape from the pressing problems of keeping home and hearth together, and worrying from day to day if our jobs will be there tomorrow.

This is the time for Viacom to rein in the greed, practice good public relations and NOT raise their fees.


1 comment:

Sandscripts said...

Some how this graph got left out.
It should be the next to last.

Although I wouldn't particularly miss any of those channels -- well, maybe Comedy Central a little bit -- there are hundreds and thousands of people who would.