Sunday, December 7, 2008

Surprise! OPEC is Going to Cut Oil Production to Raise Prices

by Sandy Sand

Mother Nature and her offspring, the dinosaurs, didn’t give the Earth a limitless supply of oil, so it's time for oil barons all over the world to realize their future wealth doesn't come from below ground.

It supposed to be a surprise that OPEC will cut back on production to raise prices.
Well it ain’t no surprise no more now that OPEC President Chakib Khelil blabbed all to the Associated Press.

With the price of a barrel of oil falling to what a rational person would say is reasonable, the Arabian oil barons are behaving like moneyed obese, gluttonous children, because their money machine toy is beginning to break down.

What colossal short-sighted, greedy bastards these people are and the oil-addicted world has let them get away with it.

Windfall profits are now being blasted away in a Nubian sandstorm of blowing desert winds, and OPEC members are going to get even by limiting production to drive up prices. Khelil speculated that the cuts could be “severe.”

They are every bit a blind as American auto makers and oil producers who have their fingers in the ears and sand in their eyes, to not see the future, which is written on the wind.

The oil is going to run out!

Prepare yourselves for an oilless future.

Start thinking outside the oil can you’ve sealed yourselves into.

You’ve got more wind and sea water than you know what to do with.
Start harnessing the wind; you could probably supply electricity to all of Europe, Africa and Asia with all the hot air. Be inventive. Come up with some wind catchers that are efficient, cheap to produce and aren’t butt-ugly.

Take some of those ill-gotten oil profits and a build a few hundred desalination plants, flood your useless arid deserts with desalinated water and start growing fields of fodder that humans don’t eat to produce ethanol or methane or whatever will fuel cars.

You’re smart. You founded the most ancient human civilization on Earth in Ur, which is in today’s Iraq.

Put some of that Arab history, ingenuity and brain power to work and come up with some alternative energy sources that -- in the long run -- will net you more profits than oil ever did.

It’s the way of the future. Join the 21st Century.


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