Monday, December 1, 2008

Bush Invitation: That Ain’t No Christmas Tree, It’s a Bush Chanukah Bush

by Sandy Sand

The Bushies can’t do the simplest damn thing right, not even send out invitations to a White House Chanukah party.

Major Jewish leaders received invitations to a Chanukah reception in the White House that depicted a Christmas wreath on the presidential mansion, while out front was a horse-drawn cart pulling a Christmas tree up to the front door.

The invitation from George and Laura read in part: The pleasure of your company at a Chanukah reception.

This inept White House can’t do a damn thing right, and the embarrassing mistake was blame game explained away by spokesman Sally McDonough as a “staff mistake” that was “just something that fell through the cracks.”

The White House hastily sent out apologies for their stupid mistake, although I doubt anyone was highly offended by this gross blunder, but how do they atone for being the stupidest people on the planet?

When employment opportunities at the Bush White House are advertised they must list them under “only the dumbest need apply.”

On Thursday new invitations will be sent depicting an image of a menorah that was given to Harry Truman when he was president.

Fifty days to the Barack Obama inauguration and counting…


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