Thursday, December 25, 2008

Obama to Use Lincoln’s Bible for Swearing In: It’s Not the Book That’s Important, It’s the Oath

by Sandy Sand

The oath of office isn’t about the book it’s sworn on; it’s about upholding the Constitution of the United States of America -- the document that has made us unique from every other country in the world.

It’s an irony that a Democrat is the first to use Lincoln’s bible since Lincoln.
One would think that a Republican president would have used it long ago.

After all, they're the ones who love to boast of being of the Party of Lincoln, who remains our greatest president to date, and there's nothing Lincolnesque about today's Republican party.

Frankly, I don’t care if Obama takes the oath of office on a bible, a dictionary or Dr. Suess.

If a book has to be used to take the oath of office, I’d prefer that it be a dictionary; it has all the Bible words in it.

It’s not the book the oath is sworn on that’s important; it’s the sacred and solemn swearing to uphold, preserve and protect the Constitution.

George Bush and Dick Cheney could have taken their oaths of office by swearing on a library filled with nothing but bibles, and it would not have meant a damn thing.

Their swearing to uphold the Constitution was a criminal lie; they did everything in their power to subvert the Constitution and all the laws that protect us.

The might as well have cut it up into little squares and used it for toilet paper, because they turned it into nearly meaningless crap.

Rather than using bibles for the swearing in, future presidents should put their hands directly on the U.S. Constitution and swear to protect and preserve it.

That is what the oath of office is all about.


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